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Guide to Knowing When to Change Your Septum Piercing

Posted by Jessy L. on 14th Jun 2024

Guide to Knowing When to Change Your Septum Piercing

Guide to Knowing When to Change Your Septum Piercing

You're sporting a new septum piercing and each glance in the mirror adds to the anticipation of giving it a new twist with some fancy jewelry. We understand that urge to switch it up, but your piercing needs time to heal properly.

This guide is your trusty sidekick, offering you the signs and signals to answer the question "When can I change my septum piercing?" So let's hold off on the excitement just a tad longer and make sure when you do make that change, it's not just good, it's golden.

Read on for the details that matter in aftercare, so you can confidently sport a new look when the time is right.

A Brief History of Septum Piercings

A septum piercing is a statement, a nod to both ancient tradition and modern fashion, a kind of universal wink that crosses borders and timelines. But this piercing is more than just a trend; it's a connection to a history as varied as the jewelry that graces it.

A Dip into History

Let's take a quick time travel, shall we? Septum piercings have been adorning human noses since before recorded history, believed to bestow upon the wearer power and prestige.

From the native tribes of the Americas to the highlands of New Guinea, where tusks and bones signified might and rank, to the beaded beauty in the bridal traditions of South Asia, this piercing transcends time and culture.

Trend Waves

Fast-forward to the now; septum piercings are a staple in the urban jungle. They bob in and out of fashion trends, sometimes the darling of the alternative scene, other times the choice du jour for the fashion-forward elite.

It's the type of piercing that says, "I'm here and I'm unequivocally me," without uttering a single word.

Expressive Evolution

What's the current score in the septum scene? It's all about personalization. The types of piercings we see today are as diverse as the individuals sporting them. You've got your barely-there retainers for the minimalist, opulent clickers that scream "look at me," and even the faux varieties for commitment-phobes.

It's a playground of self-expression, a small canvas in the center of the face where one can hang art as simple or complex as their mood dictates.

Now, why does all this history and trend talk matter? Because understanding the roots and evolution of septum piercings can be a nod to why we choose to wear them today.

It's not just another type of piercing; it's a historical artifact, a fashion statement, and an act of personal storytelling all rolled into one neat package nestled under your sniffer.

The Healing Journey of Your Septum Piercing

After you've gotten your septum pierced, the focus shifts to the healing process. This period is crucial for your piercing's health and longevity. Understanding the stages of healing and knowing what to expect can make this time smoother and more comfortable.

Let's dive into the essentials of healing a piercing, specifically your septum, to ensure you're equipped for the journey ahead.

Stages of Healing

The healing process can be broken down into a few key stages. Initially, you'll experience the inflammatory phase, where your body reacts to the piercing with redness and swelling. This is your immune system kicking into gear to protect the wound. It's normal and a sign that healing is underway.

As weeks pass, you enter the proliferative phase. During this time, the body works diligently to produce new tissue. You might notice the formation of a crust around the jewelry; this is healthy and part of the process.

Finally, the maturation phase occurs when the new tissue strengthens and stabilizes, forming a fully healed piercing. This stage takes the longest, often several months for a septum piercing.

What to Expect

Throughout the healing process, a bit of discomfort and discharge is normal. However, excessive pain, persistent redness, or signs of infection should prompt a visit to your piercer or a healthcare provider. Proper aftercare is crucial: regular cleaning with a saline solution and avoiding unnecessary touching or movement of the jewelry will support healing.

Keeping an eye on your body's signals and maintaining diligent aftercare will help ensure your septum piercing heals well, allowing you to enjoy your new adornment with peace of mind. Remember, each person's healing timeline can vary, so patience and gentle care are your best allies during this period.

Recognizing the Signs of Healing

Eager to switch out your septum piercing jewelry? Spotting the signs that your piercing has healed properly is crucial. Here's a quick guide to understanding when it's safe to make the change.

Key Indicators of Healing

  • Reduced swelling
  • No pain
  • Absence of discharge
  • Smooth piercing channel
  • Jewelry moves freely

Reduced Swelling

Swelling is your body's initial reaction to a new piercing. As it heals, this swelling should noticeably reduce or disappear entirely. This reduction is a clear sign that your body is accepting the piercing.

No Pain

Initially, some discomfort is normal, but as the piercing heals, it shouldn't hurt, especially when you touch or move it slightly. Pain-free contact indicates good healing.

Absence of Discharge

A healthy healing process includes the stoppage of any discharge or crust that formed around the jewelry. When this clears up, it's a good indicator that the wound is healing well.

Smooth Piercing Channel

The tissue inside the piercing should feel smooth and free of bumps or raw areas. This smoothness signifies that the internal healing process is complete.

Jewelry Moves Freely

When you can gently move the jewelry through the piercing without discomfort or resistance, it indicates that the piercing is well-healed and flexible.

When Can I Change My Septum Piercing?

Observing these signs means you're likely ready for a change. Still, always consider a professional piercer's opinion to confirm your healing status. Changing your jewelry prematurely can introduce bacteria or cause irritation, setting back your healing progress.

Patience and diligence are your best friends throughout this process, ensuring your piercing stays healthy and ready for new jewelry.

Selecting the Best Quality Jewelry for Your Septum

Finding the right jewelry for your septum piercing is a mix of science and personal expression. It's about choosing a piece that not only looks fantastic but also promotes healing and comfort. Let's break down the essentials for picking out your next standout piece, focusing on the right materials and styles that reflect your unique vibe.

Materials to Consider

The journey to the perfect piece starts with selecting the right material.

Surgical Stainless Steel

This material is a solid choice for its strength and compatibility with sensitive skin. It's like the trusty friend who never lets you down, always there to ensure your piercing stays irritation-free.


As light as a breeze yet as durable as they come, titanium is perfect for those who want their piercing to feel as good as it looks. It's the superhero of metals, fighting off corrosion with ease.


For a touch of luxury, 14k or 18k gold is your go-to. It combines elegance with practicality, ensuring your piercing heals without sacrificing style.

Biocompatible Plastics

Sometimes, blending in is the way to go. Medical-grade plastics offer a subtle option that keeps your piercing safe and sound, away from prying eyes.

Styles to Explore

With the right material in mind, it's time to choose a style that matches your personality.

Hoop Rings

From understated elegance to bold statements, hoop rings are as versatile as you are. They're the chameleons of the piercing world, ready to adapt to any look.


For those who favor a minimalist approach, barbells offer a sleek, straightforward style. They're the clean lines in a world of curves, providing a modern twist to your piercing.


Ease and elegance go hand-in-hand with clickers. These hinged beauties are all about simplicity in swapping, without compromising on design.


On days when subtlety is key, retainers are the silent heroes. They keep your piercing present but unassuming, perfect for those low-key moments.

Choosing your septum jewelry is an adventure in self-expression, balancing the needs of your healing piercing with your individual style. By focusing on quality materials and the designs that speak to you, your septum piercing will not only heal properly but also become a signature part of your look.

Safe Steps to Change Your Septum Piercing

Switching out the jewelry in your septum piercing can be an exciting moment, especially if it's your first time selecting something new for a fully healed piercing. However, ensuring you do it safely is key to maintaining the health of your piercing and preventing any potential complications.

Here's a straightforward guide to changing your septum piercing with care and confidence.

Before You Start

Make sure your hands and all tools or jewelry you'll be using are clean. Washing with antibacterial soap and using gloves if available can help minimize the risk of infection.

Step-by-Step Guidance

  1. Clean the Area: Gently clean the piercing and surrounding area with a saline solution to ensure it's free from bacteria.

  2. Prepare Your Jewelry: Have your new jewelry sanitized and ready to go. If it's a new piercing, ensure the jewelry is made from a material that minimizes the risk of allergic reactions or irritation.

  3. Remove the Old Jewelry: Carefully unscrew or slide out the old piece. If you feel resistance or pain, take a pause. It might not be fully healed, or you may need a professional's help.

  4. Insert the New Jewelry: Slide the new piece through the piercing gently. If it's a hoop, ensure the opening faces down to ease the insertion. For barbells or clickers, align them properly before securing.

  5. Secure the Jewelry: Once in place, secure the jewelry according to its type; screw on any ends tightly but carefully, ensuring nothing is loose.

  6. Cleanse Again: After the jewelry is securely in place, clean the area once more with a saline solution to ward off any potential infections.


Even after a successful change, keep an eye on your piercing for any signs of irritation or infection. Continuing with regular cleanings can help prevent issues and ensure your new piercing stays healthy and looks great.

By following these safe steps, you can enjoy swapping out your septum jewelry while keeping your piercing in top condition. Remember, if at any point you feel unsure or if the process seems too challenging, consulting a professional piercer is always the best course of action.

Potential Complications with New Piercings

Adorning your body with new piercings can be an exhilarating way to express your individuality. Yet, it's crucial to be vigilant about the healing process to sidestep any unwelcome complications. Understanding what could go wrong and knowing when to seek help are key steps in ensuring your new piercing heals perfectly and becomes a proud part of your self-expression.

Common Issues

Occasionally, new piercings might face a few hiccups on the road to recovery. Watch out for signs like excessive redness, swelling, pain, or discharge, as these can be the first clues that something's amiss. Infections are not uncommon, especially if aftercare advice is not followed meticulously.

Another issue to be aware of is jewelry rejection, where your body treats the jewelry like a foreign object and pushes it out.

When to Seek Help

If you notice persistent symptoms that don't improve with basic aftercare; such as warmth around the area, fever, or an unusual odor; it's time to consult a professional.

Piercing specialists and healthcare providers can offer advice and treatment to manage these complications effectively. Don't hesitate to reach out; early intervention can make a significant difference in the healing process.

So, When Can I Change My Septum Piercing?

Now you've got your answer to that question "When can I change my septum piercing?". Perfect timing and diligent care are crucial to ensuring its beauty and health. As you now know when you can change your septum piercing, feel empowered to make your next move with confidence.

For those looking to elevate their style with distinctive, high-quality jewelry, Body Pierce Jewelry offers an exceptional selection. We invite you to explore our unique designs and contact us to find your next piece.

Let us help you express your individuality with elegance.

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